Here at the Happy Hippie Haven, we have "pets with benefits" ... we don't have "livestock". We love animals and treat all the creatures here with love and respect. Our chickens and ducks are allowed to run free over our fifty acres all day (weather permitting, of course!) and forage the way nature intended. All pastured eggs are typically bigger and better in flavor than factory farmed eggs are, but hens that are pastured in a forest have even better tasting eggs than ones that are pastured in fields do!
Ours hens spend their days foraging in the forest, scratching up leaves and eating a variety of things such as grubs, worms, weeds, toads, frogs, insects, and even small mice and snakes! At night, and on extremely cold winter days, our ladies are confined in a warm safe coop. Their coop has perches for them to roost on, laying boxes for them to lay eggs in, and of course lots of room for them to move about. We give our ladies calcium; their own egg shells dried and ground up. We treat them with fresh fruits, cooked veggies, leftover noodles and other healthy treats. They particularly love fish! During the summer we grow extra of the fruits and veggies they like and freeze it to help feed them throughout the winter. We usually end up buying two - three bags of laying feed annually to feed the ladies in January and February.
We also have ducks that spend their days enjoying one of our two ponds. During the spring, summer and fall the ducks choose to spend their nights down at the pond instead of the coop, but come winter, a warm coop is waiting for them.
All our hens and ducks are pets with benefits. We love each and every one of them. They have names. They make us laugh. We try our hardest to keep them safe, happy and healthy. They repay us with eggs. When a hen stops laying, she lives out the rest of her days with us. We do not "discard" old laying hens or ducks! and we try to take in a few rescue hens when we can :) Factory farming isn't right :(
Chicken Eggs: $3 dozen
Chicken/Ducks Eggs (6 of each): $4
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